T.C.Applications Inc.
Nothing we cant do!
Contact Us
  1. iOS Software Development
    Do you have an idea for your business, an idea to serve a practical purpose or an idea to entertain and engage its users? Whatever the case is, we can plan, design, develop, test and launch an iPhone or iPad app for you!
  2. Mobile Device Repair
    We provide immediate, expert repair and care for all your mobile devices, so you can stay connected to the things that matter most to you. Anything from cracked screens, new batteries or even just software issues, we have you covered.
  3. Computer Repair
    We fix desktops, laptops, printers, and servers for both hardware and software issues. We repair both PC and Macs computers. Anything from ram upgrades, virus removals, charging issues, and much more, their is almost nothing we cant do!
From our origins in Computer Engineering Studies, we have grown and now develop apps, databases, and repair all computer or computer related devices. Throughout this growth, we have maintained our commitment to helping any business or individual with all their technical needs! 
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Taras Sywanicz
Tel: (416)-294-1231
Email: taras@tcapplications.ca
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